Monday, September 11, 2006

The story so far.. THE beginning.

The toughest step in the journey so far has been the first step. Coming out of the cosy confines of home to an altogether alien place (alien.. that BTW is how we are addressed here. Hope they find a better word for us non-Americans someday!) wasn't exactly easy. Having parents to rely on for a lot of things, if not everything, and the emotional attachments weren't entirely easy to transcend. Thankfully, the good ol' world wide web is around, and communication isn't as bad as it once used to be. So, yours truly finally made the big leap.. the proverbial Saat Samandar Paar jump to pursue learning (extra emphasis added!). Much as I've tried to convey otherwise, the notion persists that everybody who lands up on this side of the globe does so irreversibly. Someday in the near future, I hope to prove them wrong.

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